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In preparation of the upcoming Veeam Backup & Replication (VBR) v10 release, I have started the process of updating the VBR packages. You can now test these packages yourself. These packages are not pushed to Chocolatey and therefore need to be handled a bit different.


To be able to install these packages, the following requirements should be met:

  • Access to and downloaded the Veeam Backup and Replication v10 ISO version (Not required anymore for GA release)
  • The VBR v10 license file
  • Installed Chocolatey on all the systems
  • The Veeam v10 RTM packages. (Not required anymore for GA release)


If you want to run the Vagrant environment, you’ll also need the following additional requirements:

  • An working installation of Vagrant (I’m using v2.1.5)
  • VirtualBox (I’m using v5.2.36)

If you already have Chocolatey installed on your machine, this could be done using choco install vagrant virtualbox -y

Once you have cloned or downloaded the git repository, you should place the nupkg files from the zip file, the RTM ISO file and RTM LIC file in the packages folder (Not required anymore for GA release). After that, you should be able to run vagrant up to get the environment up and running.

When you get an error message like A pending system reboot has been detected (exit code 350). or Please reboot at your earliest convenience. A reboot is required. You should run the following commands:
vagrant reload
vagrant provision


On the system you are going to install these packages, you’ll need to create a folder “Packages” on your system drive (usually C:) In this blog post I am going to assume that this is the case. Inside the ISO package, this folder is used to copy the ISO file from your file system.

Inside the packages folder, extract the files in the downloaded ZIP file, add the Veeam RTM ISO (Filename should match VeeamBackup&Replication_10.0.0.4442.iso) and the v10 license file. (Not required anymore for GA release)

Make sure you have configured these Chocolatey features:
choco feature enable -n=exitOnRebootDetected
choco feature enable -n=useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades

To install one of the packages, use the following command: choco install [package name] --source='"c:\Packages;chocolatey"'

VBR Server

When installing the server package, some parameter are required. For instance the sqlServer param and licenseFile There is no package that installs the default Veeam SQL server. If you do not have an SQL server installed, please install SQL Express server by using choco install sql-server-express This will install a default installation of SQL Express 2019 where the instance name is SQLEXPRESS. I am going to assume that you have done just this.

After you have installed the SQL Server Express, you can continue by installing the VBR Server using this command: choco install veeam-backup-and-replication-server --params "/sqlServer:(local)\SQLEXPRESS /licenseFile:c:\packages\license-preview-1000-15FEB2020.lic /username:[username] /password:[password]" --source='"c:\Packages;chocolatey"'

You should change [username] and [password] to your local or domain username / password that has permissions to the database. For additional parameters have a look here:


If you happen to have any issues installing the software, the packages create an log-file in the following folder: $env:TEMP\chocolatey